Konto Manager

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Konto Manageren er en betalt udvidelse af Premium Kontoen, der er designet til at hjælpe dig med at styre en større konto. Konto Managere vil kun være tilgængelig, når du ejer 20 landsbyer.

Du kan aktivere din Konto Manager ved brug af Premium Point. For at gøre dette, skal du trykke på Plus menuen i spillet og gå til Konto Manager.


Konto Managerens oversigt giver dig oplysninger om status for din konto manager og hvad denne er i gang med. Hver boks indeholder information omkring forskellige dele af din konto manager, og du kan bruge 'træk-og-slip' til at organisere dem efter behov.

Spanner icon.png

Ved at trykke på værktøjsikonet, der vises i toppen af venstre hjørne, vil du kunne ændre antallet af synlige visninger i oversigten.

Seneste plyndringer

Overview plunder.png

Denne widget kan bruges sammen med Farm Assistenten til at sende plyndringsangreb til dine senest plyndrede byer. Den viser barbar, du fornylig har angrebet og plyndret for råstoffer.

For mere information om A, B og C ikonerne, se venligst Farm Assistentens hjælpeside.


Overview village.png

I byoversigten, vil farvede prikker indikere statussen for din troppe manager, landsby manager og markeds manageren. En grøn prik indikere, at manageren er aktiv på landsbyen. En grå prik indikere, at manageren ikke har modtaget planlægninger, og en gul prik viser, at byen er under administration af en manager, men at denne er i pause tilstand.

Ved tryk på en grøn eller gul prik vil du kunne sætte din manager på pause/genstarte denne. Ved at trykke på en grå prik, vil du blive taget til den relevante manager for den valgte landsby.

Construction templates

Overview template.png

The construction templates section gives an overview of all your Village Manager templates.

You can view the number of villages assigned to each template, how many of those villages are paused and the number of building upgrades that have already been queued.

Advarsler og anbefalinger

Overview warning.png

Hvis din farm er fuld eller dit lager er fuldt, vil du blive notificeret her.


I notifikationsvinduet kan sætte konto manageren til at sende dig en email, når du har nye indkommende angreb. For at aktivere angrebs notifikationerne, tryk på kassen, der siger " Aktiver angrebs notifikationer". Dette vil gøre dig i stand til at finpudse dine indstillinger.

Attack notifications.png

Indstillinger er delt op i to sektioner.

Hvor ofte vil du modtage notifikationerne?

Den første del af skemaet håndterer de betingelser, hvorunder du ønsker at modtage emails for angreb.

Efter første nye angreb Du vil modtage en notifikation, når din angrebstæller går fra 0 til 1.
Efter hvert (XX) nye indkommende angreb Du vil modtage en notifikation hver gang dette nummer (XX) af nye angreb bliver sendt til din landsby.
Underret mig hver (XX) time Du vil modtage en notifikation hver (XX) time, der er specificeret.
Underret mig kun, hvis jeg ikke er logget ind Hvis afkrydset vil du kun modtage en notifikation, hvis du ikke er logget ind.

Hvordan skal angrebene grupperes?

Denne dem af skemaet håndtere hvad du vil se i dine angrebs notifikationer.

Grupper ikke angreb Angrebene vil blive vidst i rækkefølge, uden gruppering.
Grupper angreb efter angriberen Angrebene vil blive vist ifølge angriberens navn.
Grupper angreb efter den landsbyen, der angribes Angreb vil blive grupperet efter hvilken landsby, der bliver angrebet.
Vis kun (XX) angreb per gruppe Notifikationerne vil kun indeholde det valgte nummer (XX) af angreb fra hver gruppe.

Landsby Manager

Landsby Manageren kan bruges til at automatisere konstruktionen af bygninger i dine landsbyer. Du kan tilpasse de nøjagtige bygningstrin, og i hvilken rækkefølge bygningerne skal sættes i kø ved at bruge skabelon-systemet.

Håndtering af skabeloner

Som standard, når du åbner Landsby Manageren, vil du få vist Håndter landsbyer vinduet. For at håndtere dine skabeloner, tryk på Håndter skabeloner.

System skabeloner

Spillet giver dig 3 standard skabeloner. Disse kan ikke slettes eller redigeres.

System skabelonerne er:

  • Råstoffer - En landsby, der går efter at bygge råstofbygningerne til trin 30 først.
  • Defensiv - Til landsbyer, der producere defensive tropper.
  • Offensiv - Til landsbyer, der producere offensive tropper.

Opret din egen skabelon

Du kan oprette dine egne skabeloner, hvis de tre system skabeloner ikke følger dine behov. For at gøre dette skal du udfylde skabelonens navn, ved Opret skabelon sektionen, og vælg enten at starte fra bunden, ved at bruge en tom skabelon, eller at kopiere en eksisterende skabelon.

Am vm ct.png

Visning, omdøbning og sletning af skabeloner

Under Opret skabelon sektionen vil du kunne finde en liste over eksisterende skabeloner. Bygningstrinene, der er vist i tabellen, er de færdige bygningstrin, når Landsby Managere er færdig med at arbejde på din landsby.

Du kan trykke på Pencil ikonet for at omdøbe en skabelon eller Cross ikonet for at slette. System skabeloner kan ikke slettes eller omdøbes.

Tryk på skabelonens navn for at se eller redigere denne.

Listen over skabeloner i Landsby Manageren

Redigering af skabeloner

Starten af en bygge kø. Skabelons eksempel.

Ligesom forrige side, vil oversigts sektionen vise slut målet for bygningstrinene.

Under dette, vises Bygge opgavernes præcise rækkefølge for hvordan bygningerne vil blive udvidet.

Bygge køen viser bygningerne, der skal udvides, hvor mange trin de skal udvides, og trinet for bygningen efter udvidelsen.

Du kan slette udvidelser fra køen, ved at klikke på Cross ikonet. Hvis du ønsker at ændre på køen rækkefølge, kan du trække en bygning op eller ned via Sorting ikonet.

Men, til forskel fra andre sektioner af spillet, dine sletninger/ændringer i køen vil ikke gælde med det samme. Du skal trykke på "Gem knappen for neden, for at dine ændringer skal gælde. Du skal også trykke "Gem", hvis du har tilføjet en ny bygning til køen.

Du har også muligheden for at lade Landsby Manageren rive bygninger ned, der er højere end det angivne trin. Landsby Manageren vil dog kun gøre dette, hvis dit hovedkvarter er i trin 15 og din landsbys loyalitet er på 100%.

For at tilføje nye bygninger til køen, brug da Tilføj ordre sektion, i bunden af siden.

Landsby Manageren vil sætte bygninger i kø, som vist på denne side. Dette betyder, at tilføjet du 20 trin på Kasernen i et træk, så vil Landsby Manageren udvide alle 20 trin i træk, før den går igang med næste bygning. Hvis du tilføjede 2 trin på Kasernen, så 2 trin på Smeden, og gentog dette 10 gange, ville Landsby Manageren udvide begge bygninger gradvist.

Assigning templates to and managing your villages

You can assign templates to villages and manage general Village Manager operations from the Manage villages screen.

Assigning or removing a template to a village

To assign a template to one or more villages you first need to select them by ticking the check-boxes to the left of the village names.

Then, making sure Use template is selected in the Action drop down box, choose a template for the adjacent list and click Confirm.

You can confirm that the template was assigned by looking at the Status column for the village in question. It should now say Active.

To remove a template from a village you can do the same as above but by selecting Remove from the drop down box.

You can also assign a template to a village by going into the village's Headquarters, clicking on the Village Manager tab and using selecting a template from the list in the Change template section.

An example of the Village Manager where one village has been assigned to the Resources template and the Village Manager is currently running.

Pausing and continuing the account manager

If you want to save your resources in a village then it is possible to pause the Village Manager without having to remove the template.

You can do this in a similar fashion to adding a template to a village, just either select Pause or Continue from the drop down box.

You can also directly click Pause or Continue in the status column for the village.

General notes

The Village Manager will periodically check your building queue and queue new upgrades when possible. It can sometimes take a few minutes for the manager to start queuing buildings after you've assigned a template.

The manager cannot bypass building, population or resource requirements.

If a village's warehouse is not large enough for the next upgrade in the build order to be queued then it will attempt to queue a warehouse upgrade.

Similarly, if the farm is too small it will attempt to queue a farm upgrade.

The village manager allows you to process up to 50 building orders automatically in each village, after which it will pause and you must reactivate it.

Troop Manager

The troop manager allows you to automate the recruiting of units, by choosing how many units you want to build in each village. When resources are available, the troop manager will automatically recruit units for you.

You can apply troop numbers directly to villages, or you can create and save templates to keep for future use, and apply them to villages later.

Using the troop manager to recruit units

Troop manager.png

In the "Manage villages" panel at the top of the troop manager screen, enter in the number of units you would like to be built in total for one village. You can also set a buffer if you like, to reserve resources or population space. Once you are happy with your input, in the villages panel below check (tick) the villages you would like to apply this troop build to, then click save to start the recruitment process.

If you have created templates (see below for how to do this), you can apply these to villages instead of inputting a new set of unit numbers each time. In the top panel (the "Manage villages" panel), choose the template you want to use from the dropdown list. Then, in the villages panel, check (tick) the villages you would like to apply a template to. Click the save button to apply your chosen template to those selected villages.

It usually takes a few minutes for your troops to start being recruited if you have the resources and farm space available.



You can choose to reserve population slots or resources so they will not be used by the troop manager. For example, if you set your population buffer to 100, then 100 population slots will always be kept free and the troop manager will stop recruiting new units when you only have 100 population slots left in your farm.

Creating and editing your own templates

To edit templates or make new ones, click the manage templates link in your troop manager. This will bring you to the template editor screen.

Template editor2.png

Creating a new template

Enter in your desired final troop numbers into the units input boxes, and give it a name in the "template name" field. You can also set a buffer value for this template. Once you have done this, click "create new template" to save the new template.

Editing an existing template

To edit an existing template, click the green edit icon beside the name of the template you want to edit in the templates panel at the bottom of the screen. This will insert the template information into the area above. Adjust the troop numbers and buffer as desired, and then click "save".

Applying templates to villages

Once you have created a template, you will need to apply it to a village to get it to start recruiting units. You can do this from the main Troop Manager screen.

Troop manager.png

In the top panel (the "Manage villages" panel), choose the template you want to use from the dropdown list. Then, in the villages panel, check (tick) the villages you would like to apply a template to. Click the save button to apply your chosen template to those selected villages.

Deleting templates

To delete a template, check (or tick) the box beside the template name, and click "delete".

Market Manager

The market manager allows you to set up automatic resource transfers between your villages that are sent at predefined times.

Creating a new trading route

Please note that when you create a new trading route the sending village is your currently selected village.

To create a new trading route, either enter the coordinates of the target village in the Destination section or use the Favorites, Your own or History helper links on the right.

Next, input the number of resources that should be transferred in the Resources section.

Lastly, you can choose when the resources should be sent. You can select any of the days of the week and you need to enter the time of day the transfer should be initiated.

Resources will only be sent if the village has enough resources and enough merchants are available.

Viewing and deleting a trading route

Once you have created trading routes you can view a list of them at the bottom of the page. You can see the next scheduled sending time to be sure you've entered the correct days and time.

It is not currently possible to edit a trading route.

To delete routes either click on the delete link next to the route or tick the check-boxes next to the routes you wish to delete then click the Delete button below.

Farm Assistant

The Farm Assistant allows you to easily send farming attacks to barbarian villages around you, either directly from the map or from recent attack reports in the Account Manager overview.

You can create two templates to configure different combinations of troops to send on farming attacks. For simplicity, these are called A and B.

Creating a new template

To create a new template click on New template underneath the Edit Templates section. A new section should appear on the right side of the page.

You can give your template a description to allow yourself to easily identify it in the future.

Once you've entered the desired troop combinations click Save to add the new template.

Editing or deleting a template

If you need to change the description or troops inside of a template you can edit it by clicking on the template description under the Edit Templates' section.

If you'd prefer to delete a template and start over from scratch you can click the red cross to the right of the template description.

Using the Farm Assistant from the map

Am fa map.png

Once you've set up one or two templates you can now use the Farm Assistant on the map. Note that you must have the Context menu enabled.

When clicking on a barbarian village you should now notice new icons labeled A and B. These correspond with the templates you created from within the Farm Assistant area. To send an attack simply click on the icon and the troops will be sent with no confirmation required.

Note that this only works on barbarian villages. It is not possible to attack a player owned village without going to the rally point and confirming the attack.

Using the Farm Assistant from the Account Manager overview

Am fa ov.png

You can also use the Farm Assistant to send troops based on your recently received reports. You can do this from the Most recent plunders widget on the Overview.

The widget will show a list of recently received reports where you have attacked a barbarian village and looted resources.

Like the map, you can click on either A or B to send troops from one of your templates to the village.

There is also a C icon, which has a special functionality and does not relate to any of your templates. Clicking on C will use your most recent scout report to attempt to calculate and send the right amount of troops to loot all of the village's resources. You will receive a popup with the exact amount of troops sent.

You can only use the C icon if you have recently scouted the village.