Version 4.5
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Version 4.5 blev indført d. 10/09-2008.
Følgende ændringer kom med denne version.
- BB-Kode til at vise et pænt like til en offentlig rapport:
- Brug: [report]{public_report_id}[/report] hvor {public_report_id} er den string brugt i URL'en af en offentlig rapport
- Hvordan man finder den offentlige rapport-id:
- I den følgende URL http://game.localhost/public_report/...1ae5dee2f3f599 er "86c9544b6516d0f6be1ae5dee2f3f599" den offentlige rapport-id, dvs. alt efter "public_report/"
- BB-Kode til direkte at vise en offentlig rapport i det interne stammeforum:
- Brug: [report_display]{public_report_id}[/report_display]
- Logging of losses per village (Village->Rally Point->Losses) has been removed due to performance reasons
- BBCode-Icons when writing IGMs or internal forum posts. Clicking on the icon inserts corresponding BBCode or wraps it around selected text, e.g. village coordinates
- Hide looted resources in public reports:
When creating a public report you can now hide the looted resources
- Copy and pasting of coordinates improved:
- When pasting a coordinate of the format XXX|YYY into the field for the X-value, YYY is automatically moved to the field for the Y-value.
- PA: Village list in popup when clicking on the arrow-symbol next to the village name, is now sorted the same way as the village overviews
- PA: Possibility to save quickbar globally, ie you can now export a customized quickbar from one world to another or use your custom quickbar on new worlds, without having to customize it from scratch
- Go to Settings->Edit quickbar.
- Click on "Globally save as quickbar template" to save the quickbar used on this world
- Click on "Load globally saved quickbar" to replace the currently used quickbar with the globally saved quickbar
- PA: Unit travel times shown in attack details:
- When being attacked, click on the attack to get to the attack details (eg. from the "Incoming"-overview)
- The time each unit needs to go from the attacker's to the defender's village is now displayed, so you can try to determine which units might be part of the incoming attack.
- Clicking on one of the edit-icons next to the times allows you to rename the attack
- PA: Show own neighbor villages in rally point
- New menu item "Neighbor villages" in rally point
- Shows the 50 closest of your villages to quickly send units and ressources to the current village
- PA: Changed popup when clicking on "Favorites", "Your own" or "History" in the market and rally point, the resulting popup is now more accessible and should load faster
- PA: In the "Commands"-overview (PA feature) commands can now be renamed
- Servertime at bottom right now also shows current date
- Registration form, world selection and team now use new homepage layout
- Bugfix: Browsing through villages in a group got broken, when villages of the group were conquered by another player
- Bugfix: Forum moderators of internal tribe-forums could move threads to hidden forums to which they shouldn't have access
- Bugfix: Possibility to read a message without marking it as read using the message forwarding-feature
- Bugfix: Blank page when trying to publish more than 5 reports when not having PA
- Bugfix: Clicking on "Repeat delivery" from a report only worked correctly, if the player viewed the report while being in the village the delivery originated from
- Bugfix: Hitting the tab-key in the last unit field in the rally point, now moves cursor to coordinates
- Bugfix: Better error handling when trying to rename a village to an invalid name from one of the overviews
- Bugfix: Renaming supports or attacks on one's own villages with own units from the "Incoming"-overview, didn't change the name displayed when viewing the attack or support details